With the slogan "ABBATTIAMOLE" The ARCO brand is launching a campaign of Spontaneous Reporting architectural barriers, along the lines of what has been achieved in some Italian urban reality.
goal of the initiative is not only contribute to the mapping of existing barriers in the region, but especially the citizens to form a new awareness of an issue that really concerns all citizens, not only by virtue of a due sense of solidarity with Who is the bearer of any form of limitation of physical and sensory abilities, but because a city more accessible and enjoyable by all.
The initiative is, in fact, the involvement of citizens in the work of identifying and reporting lack of availability of routes, buildings and spaces of collective interest, public transport and road signs from the people who could be subject to physical, sensory, cognitive or mental.
Citizens are asked to fill in the forms available on the website or similar paper ballots distributed at the offices MARCHE ARCO and partners in the initiative.
For compiling, you must register through the electronic display of data, a telephone number and city of residence, in order to make findings on data.
The city, which occurred once, it can make any number of reports by the monitoring form, containing all information nacessaria to precisely identify the area and the site where the barrier is present.
citizenship is invited to participate in this initiative, as these data will be of great use to plan activities for detection, mapping and removal of barriers in the area.
The second step in the campaign "ABBATTIAMOLE" is to establish a fund that will come every year to one or more initiatives found in the territory.
This can be done either directly (direct funding of a work of demolition of architectural barriers) or in collaboration with other organizations or entities.
fundraising we will set up a postal giro which converged on the donations which will be provided and the statement, published on the periodical ARC MARCHE and possibly on local newspapers.
Third Step campaign will be to provide advice to all citizens capable of obtaining the tax benefits and, where possible, edammodernamenti funds to carry out renovations to eliminate architectural barriers.
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