Marini entered the apartment in fiamme.Il heat was very strong, but he thought he could make it in resist for a few minutes. Some beams had fallen in the midst of what appeared to have been a hall, where they burned curtains, furniture, fixtures and sofas. On the right, in the small lobby, he saw a bath. She went and opened the water, trying to get wet all over as quickly as possible. Then he went back in the hall: there opened another room, as well the transition to the living room. He heard a loud thud, followed by a cascade of sound material. The roof was cedendo.Entrò in the other room, which was a small study. The heat had taken fire from the windows, but you could go. He opened the drawers of his desk, and took all the paper he could find. He heard a loud crunch from soffitto.Cadde crawling on the floor, coughing, with leaves in her hand. The floor, floors, and burned his right leg did not respond to commands of his cervello.Vide a black bag leather el'afferrò. A beam that fell from above fell on scrivania.Marini crawled on all fours in the lobby of the apartment, with leaves and the bag in his hand.
The heat was unbearable.
saw the tongues of fire advancing from the room and felt a bump, even stronger than before. Were less than half a meter on the door but no longer had the strength to rise again and continued to drag on. He thought for a moment to Valeria, and how it would be funny to see her again without dying. He found too ridiculous chel'unica word that had come to describe his death was "funny."
Then he heard a deafening sound of breaking glass and a noise like a roar. He tried to put the sheets in the bag and threw it out the door, or thought you did. He continued to travel, but could no longer respirare.Sentì to have his chest blocked by something that prevented air from entering. It seemed to have his feet on fire.
I'm burning alive. Soon I'll be a piece of coal. The thunderous roar was increasing. He also made an effort to move, then fainted, a few inches from the landing.
The last thing I could think was that he wanted water, lake water, a sea, an ocean of fresh water.
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